Monday, February 17, 2025

Monthly Archives: June, 2024

Training young Japanese as confident English reporters: A Great Challenge!

Finally a cram school in Tokyo trains Japanese children to speak English in public! They are also trained to write their reports and add illustrations!

Teach in Japan: A Great Adventure Awaits Now!

Come & teach in Japan - a great adventure awaits for you now!  If you're looking for a truly unique and rewarding teaching experience, consider taking your skills to Japan. As one of the world's most fascinating cultures, Japan offers an incredible opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Love Japan Omiyage as OIJ Souvenirs

Love Japan Omiyage as OIJ (Only/Original in Japan) Souvenir| Discover the Whimsical Charm of Japan | Bring Home a Piece of Its Heart with Our Enchanting Manhole Cover Replicas!
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